Part 1 of The Adventure Begins in Wealth with God Series
I have been taking this course – Wealth with God. It is breaking strongholds in my mind and heart that have limited me my whole financial life. Family history and past poor financial decisions – based on lack of knowledge and self-worth – kept me in a financial ‘gridlock’.
The first time the Lord led me to this course, I turned my nose at it. I wasn’t interested in paying money to learn how to better manage money. I felt that it was for other people. See what I mean about poor decisions based on lack of knowledge!
Praise God that He brought it across my path again (about a year later). Thankfully my relationship with Him, and understanding of Him had greatly increased by then. This time I had the eyes to see that this is a preparation tool to teach me how to see myself as He sees me, and to be capable of stewarding a little and a lot.
As my soul prospers in Him, all the other THINGS follow suit. It’s from the inside out!
I’m sharing this because money and finances mess people up. Every aspect of our life is touched by money. It affects choices and relationships daily – even our relationship with God.
Money is meant to be a tool that we use and a servant that serves us. It shouldn’t disrupt our lives.
This is an affiliate link to the Wealth with God course. If you use this link to buy the course, I will be paid a small commission. Much gratitude.
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Disclaimer: Money is meant to be a tool that we use and a servant that serves us. It shouldn’t disrupt our lives. This is an affiliate link to the Wealth with God course. If you use this link to buy the course, I will be paid a small commission. Much gratitude.
The Adventure Begins in Wealth with God Series:
Generational Chains – Financial Gridlock
The Adventure Begins in Wealth with God Series (Part 2) Like me, many numbers of people go through life without realizing that how our parents and close family members handle and relate to money bears directly on our relationship with it.